• We present to you...

    OMEGA life algae oil liquid with Ahi flower and mango flavour

    Eine Kombination aus den wichtigen Omega-3-Fettsäuren, Vitamin D3 und Vitamin E - ideal für Kinder, Jugendliche, Veganer:Innen und Vegetarier:Innen

  • Omega-3 and heart health: how fatty acids help

    How fatty acids can protect the heart

    Find out how omega-3 fatty acids support the heart - from reducing inflammation to lowering blood pressure.

  • High-quality omega-3 food supplement

    Characteristics of quality omega-3 products

    With so many products on the market, it can be difficult to choose a high-quality omega-3 supplement.

  • Rich in omega-3 and delicious

    Recipes full of omega-3

    Delicious recipes with omega-3! From simple to sophisticated - the right thing for every taste. Try it now and conjure up delicious meals!

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OMEGA life® algae oil liquid

Dietary supplements

100 ml
Vegan Vegan
Vitamin D Vitamin D
Vitamin E Vitamin E
Lactose-free Lactose-free
Gluten-free Gluten-free
Product details

OMEGA life® Classic

Dietary supplements

120 capsules
Vitamin E Vitamin E
Sugar-free Sugar-free
Lactose-free Lactose-free
Gluten-free Gluten-free
Product details

OMEGA life® algae oil capsules

Dietary supplements

120 capsules
Vegan Vegan
Sugar-free Sugar-free
Lactose-free Lactose-free
Gluten-free Gluten-free
Product details
Phases of life

For every stage of life

Every stage of life has its own specific needs and challenges, and omega-3 can help support health and wellbeing in every phase of life

phases of life

In which phases of life do we need omega-3?

A journey of discovery through different phases of life

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Healthy heart

Omega-3 fatty acids are important for a healthy heart. Watch this video to find out how omega-3 makes an important contribution to a healthy heart and the benefits it brings.